Welcome! Here’s Your Checklist

>> Click here to download the
Support Customers Requirements Checklist

(We're also sending you an email with this link, so you'll always have access to this checklist. Your privacy is very important to us. We’re never going to rent, sell, or otherwise share your email address. We’ll only use it to send you what we’ve promised.)

And since we know you love checklists, I’m thinking you might be interested in the entire Requirements Discovery Checklist Pack.

Download ALL 18 Time-Saving Checklists for Just $97 $47

Save $50 (today only)

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When you download the Requirements Discovery Checklist Pack today, you’ll get over 700 questions categorized and cross-referenced so you can prepare for your next elicitation session with a sense of ease and confidence…

Complete with 18 checklists covering core business process areas and software features, the Requirements Discovery Checklist Pack is designed to help you think through the important questions you need to ask so you don’t overlook critical requirements (or feel unprepared for your upcoming requirements sessions).

Here are the 18 checklists you’ll receive:

  • Communicate with Contacts
  • Connect People
  • Create Report
  • Enable Visitors to Create Information
  • Fulfill Order
  • Manage Customer Information
  • Manage Information
  • Manage Resources
  • Manage Users and Permissions
  • Manage Workflow
  • Market an Offer
  • Partner with External Organization
  • Present Information
  • Process Payment
  • Purchase Product or Service
  • Respond to Disruptions in Service
  • Search for Information
  • Support Customers

Although you won’t be expected to use all 18 checklists on each and every project, they will be there for you when you need them. And because they are cross-referenced, you can easily move from one checklist to another as you discover requirements throughout your project.

What’s more, you'll also receive a 17-page guidebook walking you through how to use the Requirements Checklists to create meeting agendas and draft deliverables on your next project.

Click below to order the checklists -
Save $50 (today only)

Click the “Add to Cart” button below to save $50 and make your investment of $97 only $47 today.

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Register for the Entity Relationship Diagramming Workshop!

*Wednesday, September 18, 2024, 1-4 Eastern*

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