Bridging the Gap Logos and Trademarks Guidelines

About the Applied Certification in Business Analysis™

The Applied Certification in Business Analysis™ (ACBA) is a certification established and granted by Clear Spring Business Analysis LLC (dba Bridging the Gap). ACBA Recipients earn their certification through the successful completion of The Business Analyst Blueprint® certification program.


In any publication (and/or any article/letter/signage etc.), the following Bridging the Gap owned marks must be written as follows:

  • Applied Certification in Business Analysis™ (ACBA)
    • The trademark symbol (™) must be used with the full title of “Applied Certification in Business Analysis™.”
    • The acronym “ACBA” does not require any mark or symbol.
  • The Business Analyst Blueprint® or The Business Analyst Blueprint® certification program
    • The registration symbol (®) must be used with the full title of “The Business Analyst Blueprint®.”

Applied Certification in Business Analysis™ (ACBA) Recipients

To be officially recognized as having earned the Applied Certification in Business Analysis™ (ACBA), a recipient must have successfully passed all four (4) modules of The Business Analyst Blueprint® certification program and received their ACBA Certification document with digital badges from Bridging the Gap.

Recipient may then be referred to as “ABCA Recipient” or “ACBA Certified” and may use the ACBA certification designation letters as part of their title or signature.
Example: Jane Doe, ACBA

Use of Digital Badge and Logo

The ACBA digital badge (certification logo graphic) may only be used by ACBA Recipients recognized by Bridging the Gap.
The digital badge may be used or shared by ACBA Recipient in the following ways:

  • Via email
  • As part of a signature
  • Embedded or uploaded to a web page or document representing their professional qualifications, such as a professional website, resume, or CV.
  • On social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

What Not to Do

To ensure that Bridging the Gap owned marks continue to fulfill their purpose of distinctively identifying our organization and its products and services, do not:

  • Develop, adopt, use, or register any name, logo, trademark, symbol, phrase, brand, domain name, or other business, product or service identifier that could be confused with any of Bridging the Gap owned marks.
  • Use any of the Bridging the Gap owned marks (including Bridging the Gap, The Business Analyst Blueprint®, Applied Certification in Business Analysis™, or ACBA) as part of a business name, trade name, corporate name, domain name, URL, or email address, or to identify other products or services.
  • Do not warp or stretch the ACBA digital badge.

The Bridging the Gap company logo may not be used on any letterhead/stationery, resumes, websites, documents, or email signatures without express written consent from Bridging the Gap.

General Information

As any new Bridging the Gap owned marks become available or registered, this policy will be updated.

Any individual or organization either knowingly or unknowingly failing to follow these guidelines may be subject to prosecution to the fullest extent of the law by Bridging the Gap. Bridging the Gap reserves the right to take legal action should any owned mark be used inappropriately and not in accordance with this policy.

Failure to adhere to these policies could result in the removal of your status as an ACBA Recipient.


Should you have any questions about anything covered in these guidelines, please contact us via email at and include your ACBA Certification ID for reference.

Register for the Entity Relationship Diagramming Workshop!

*Wednesday, September 18, 2024, 1-4 Eastern*

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