Starting a New Business Analyst Job (Part 1): What To Expect on Your First Day

You got the business analyst job, now what? The first day of a new job can be exciting but also nerve-wracking. Will you be expected to hit the ground running and, if so, what does that mean? Even if you are very experienced as a business analyst, this organization, projects and people are all new to you.

First of all, let me congratulate you on this new opportunity.

Now, let’s turn our attention to what you can expect on your first day. (This article is part 1 of a 4-part series about starting a new business analyst job.)

Given a Sense of Space

Most likely, someone will meet you when you arrive at the office and give you a tour of the office essentials. This person might be your hiring manager, project manager, or a representative from the human resources department. The tour should point out the basics – the bathrooms, the kitchens, the stairs and elevators, and the various entrances and exits you can use.

You may be given a parking pass and/or badge to get in and out of the building.

Finally, you’ll be shown your desk, where supplies are (or given supplies) and set up with a computer and access to key systems such as your email. (This is standard protocol, but if you are hired into an informal or fast-paced environment, don’t be surprised if some of these space basics are not yet ready for you. In one organization we worked in, we were hiring so fast that our coordinators couldn’t keep up with building new chairs. Regrettably often an employee’s first task was to build their own chair.)

Given Appropriate Technology

Today’s business analysts use technology every day to do their jobs. The basic technology components include a phone and a computer with access to key systems such as email and any software you’ll be expected to use. Often a technical support representative will stop by your desk early in the day to show you the ins and outs of your computer and the phone system, so you are ready to perform basic communication tasks.

Introduced to Key Stakeholders

Your manager, project manager, or a fellow business analyst may also introduce you to key stakeholders. These are often quick meet and greets so they know your face and your role. You may reconnect with one or more people you met during the job interview. As this tour happens, you’ll begin to get a better sense of the office space and see who sits where and what teams exist.

Be open and welcoming and express your excitement at helping them on their projects. As time allows, jot down names and role names so you can begin to place who’s who on your projects and in the organization, and be more likely to remember everyone’s name when you see them next.

If there happens to be a team meeting or other project team event, you might be invited to attend to meet everyone at once and begin to see how the project is working. Expect to be an observer, not a contributor, to the meetings that happen in the first day or two of your employment.

Given Background Information

In addition to meeting the key stakeholders, it’s important to receive some orientation information on the project and your role. This may come in the form of a 1-1 meeting with your manager or someone senior on the team. Alternatively, you’ll be given background information to review. Often it’s a combination of both.

Not all organizations are great at imparting information about their organization. Be prepared to ask questions and fill in knowledge gaps with your own research.

Here’s a checklist of questions to ask about a new business domain

Given Company/Employee Information

If you are being hired directly as a full-time employee, you can expect that sometime in your first day or two you’ll meet with a human resource representative to fill out any necessary forms, make benefits-related choices, and learn more about the basics of working for this organization. You might receive an employee handbook that contains general information about what to expect while working for this organization and guidelines you are expected to follow.

If you are hired as a contractor, a representative from your recruiting organization may provide similar information on how they expect you to handle yourself as a contractor.

What’s Next?

So, now you know what to expect. What should you do to prepare for your first day? We cover that topic in the next article in this series.

Click here to read about how to prepare for your first day on a business analyst job

>> Learn the Business Analysis Process

BA Essentials Master ClassAn essential element of succeeding in a new business analyst job role is understanding the business analysis process. We walk you through an 8-step business analysis process in the BA Essentials Master Class. You’ll learn a step-by-step business process that you can customize for your organization and project situations, how to create a timeline for a new business analyst assignment, and be prepared to handle the more common issues BAs face on new projects.

Click here to learn more about the BA Essentials Master Class

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Laura Brandenburg

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